Last year a friend of mine was diagnosed with leukemia. When she broke that news to few friends my initial reaction was in silent mode and thoughts came flowing like those in sad movies where people are dying of some illnesses and the people that surround these dying persons are busy making their last few days happy. In disbelief about my friend's illness I could do nothing but accept. Working away from home means I see her less and what I did was to monitor her every week just to get connected to her, asking about her latest white blood count (WBC), is it increasing or decreasing, is she good today, all sorts of hi and hello and how are you.
Being a graduate of a medical course, but didn't practice due to managing a family business together with her husband, my friend is very careful on her diet and of course the medications, careful in her lifestyle, her life has to be no stress factors, walking and jogging and zumba at the oval.
My friend's white blood count is now back to normal for the last few months. And I couldn't thank God enough.